Catarina Pereira's profile

Lazarim Caretos Festival

In Lazarim, north of Portugal, during Carnaval it its typical to build handmade masks caled Caretos de Lazarim. These are some of the amazing artists.
The Caretos go out in the streets to mess with people.
Historically people would use the fact that they are unkown as a way to take revenge on their neighboors. They would also tease single girls, messing up with them. Nowadays it is way lighter and just to have a good time with this tradition.
The cerimony continues with the reading of the testaments where the guys from the villages make fun of them and vice versa, just like a public gossip session. The big drums are used as a soundtrack after each punchline.
Meanwhile the free food for the visitors is being made. Soup and beans.
It's now the time for the new masks to be baptized in a little contest!
Lazarim Caretos Festival


Lazarim Caretos Festival


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